PCGS MS64 (40175885).
Av. MO: NO: ARG: CON - FŒD: BELG: PRO: TRAI. Armed rider right; below, crowned Utrecht shield.
Rv. (escutcheon) CONCORDIA - RES PARVÆ - CRESCVNT. Crowned shield of the Republic of the United Provinces supported by two crowned lions; below (date).
KM.92.1 - Delm.1031 - Dav.1832 ; Silver - 32,78 g - 42 mm - 12 h
Top Pop: this is the most beautiful graded example!
PCGS MS64 (40175885).
Of rare quality, close to mint condition with a lovely collector's patina of gold and bluish highlights. Superb at Fleur de coin.